Free Seminar – The Agile & Lean approach to Projects – 21 Sept 2010

Posted on 07. Sep, 2010 by donncha in Events


37 people attended the seminar. You can now browse the slides.


    Tuesday, 21st September
    07.30 – 8.00am – Continental Breakfast
    08.00 – 9.00am – Workshop



There’s no charge to attend but advance registration is essential.


Please send email to:


This Breakfast Seminar will address a number of modern approaches for managing your business. We’ll bring together experts in:

  • Agile Project Management
  • Lean Techniques
  • Getting Things Done
  • Goshido – software, training & consultancy support that will help you intoduce new ways of working in your organisation


This event will be of interest to senior managers and project leads in knowledge-based organisations.


Ger Hartnett has managed a number of high-performance teams in multi-nationals like Intel, Telabs, Digital & Motorola. These teams have brought successful products through the full life-cycle from initial inception to working with customers to bring their products to market. He has successfully run a number of projects using agile project management techniques.

Ger has built a new team to create Goshido, a product that embodies this experience. He has also developed relationships with some of the best training companies in Ireland to provide support for Goshido.

Colm J Hyland is a Managing Partner in HOSCA and works with a large number of clients in a diverse range of consulting and training areas. This includes Organisational and Management Development, training design and assessment on Quality Systems implementation. He carries the Business Development brief for the company in Ireland which now includes the Lean and Green agenda. Colm’s interest in the green agenda has increased since volunteering for the Spirit of Ireland project where he leads the Education and Training Team.


Modern organisations need to be agile, lean and adaptive. Every knowledge worker is in effect, a project manager.

Many knowledge workers are stressed to the point of inefficiency. Email, web-task-lists and workflow collaboration systems are adding to, not relieving the strain.

In many ways, email is a symptom of the problem. Knowledge workers are juggling increasing numbers of projects and priorities. Research has shown: -

  • Only one in five employees say they have a clear “line of sight” between their tasks and their team’s and organisation’s goals
  • Only half were satisifed with the work they’d accomplished at the end of the week
  • Progress and accomplishments are not visible unless time is spent writing status reports
  • There are always opportunities to reduce risk and improve project execution


Goshido distills Lean, Agile and GTD down to a no-nonsense approach, so that teams can deploy them and see an immediate benefit in running their projects.

Goshido is more than just software. Our training programme is split into a number of modules and runs for two days. The modules include: -

  • Project Management and Productivity Techniques
  • Using Goshido to leverage Agile, Lean, GTD and Pomodoro
  • Running your projects in Goshido
  • Goshido is more that just software and training. We work with you to help your teams embrace the software to maximise the return on investment for your business.

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